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no it is not

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Q: Is 15 days being clean long enough to pass a mouth swab drug test?
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Can I be clean if I haven't smoked marijuana in twenty one days I am up for a mouth swab drug test Will the test show that i am clean?

I think mouth swabs are with in a week only. I could be compeltly wrong though.

Will three days be enough time to summit a clean urine after using crack cocaine for 5 hours?

NO you need to be clean for 7 to 8 days before pissing clean.. Go get a detox kit at a hemp shop..

How long does it take for a lip cut to heal?

If you rinse your mouth and keep it clean, usually within about 3-5 days

How long is alcohol detectable in saliva?

Most toxins only stay in your saliva 3-4 days. So if you have enough days clean, then there should be no problem.

How do you get rid of mouth ulcers?

Toothpaste is good because if you have ulcers at the bottom of your mouth and it hurts when you clean your teeth the toothpaste can help clean them. You can also eat fruits that don't not contain peptic acids and eat fresh vegetables. A mouth ulcer is a very common condition, and most people will have at least one in their lifetime. However 80% of all mouth ulcers are minor i.e. they are small (2-8mm in diameter) and normally heal naturally within 10-14 days. A minor ulcer will not cause any scarring. Mouth ulcers can heal within 7-14 days without treatment but medicine and treatment may provide relief. Some medicines may speed up the healing if used early enough.

How many months is 104 days?

104 days is about 3.4 months (3 months and 12 or 13 days) There is no fixed number of days per month, the average being 30.4 days a month.

Is a month long enough to have a clean swab test for cocaine?

Yes. Cocaine is only detectable in swab tests for a couple of days.

How long will a ricotta cheesecake last after making?

Only long enough for me to get the whole thing in my mouth. Sorry not helpful, probably only a few days.

How do you clean a penny in coke?

u don't, u drink the coke, then spend the penny

You are 113 pounds and have not smoked pot for 2 months is that long enough to be clean?

YES, should only take 30 days if you use often.

How long does hydroco stay in the body?

It depends on how much and how long you have taken it. If you just take a couple for fun you should be clean in a few days, with urine test. If your addicted, and they do a hair analysis test it can take a month, or more.

You have not smoked weed in 26 days are you clean or dirty?

dirty it takes 40 + days to be clean