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Personally, I think so. But if it's true love, does it really matter?

I dont think so. It depends on understanding and health conditions. This is quiet normal in India where you have the least levels of divorces.

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13y ago
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14y ago

Sure. No, of course it is not a big age difference. If you guys are really meant for each other, it won't matter how great the age difference is and three years difference isn't that big.

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13y ago

According to the tv show, Bones. The socially acceptable age gap is half the age plus 7 years. I think.

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Is 3 years age difference too much if i am 13 and he is 16?

Its really personal preference. If you feel comfortable dating someone of that age then that's OK. If not then maybe the gap is too large.

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no...not at all there are many couples still together which have a bigger age gap between them for example, my dad is 42 but my mum is 38 <--- 4 years gap of age between them!! but they are living happillly together! :D

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That is too large an age gap. When you are both over 20, three years apart is fine.

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Depends on the age. 91 & 60 sounds about right. 20 & 51 is way wrong.

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Within reason of age gap there is no fast rule as to who you are attracted too or who is attracted to you. 10 years is not that large an age gap. If you look back to the 1940's back you will often see a gap of 8 plus years between man and wife. There are certain people that mature far more quickly than others and you may not find the men your age that mature and this man fits into you life. Go for it, but only if he's not married!

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In my opinion i don't think it's too much of an age gap, after all, its not about the age, its about who they are. I know people who are crazy with age gaps, my friend is 17 and her boyfriend is 28. Also, if he's young looking then there shouldn't be any problems. :)

How big is too big of an age gap in a relationship?

Age doesnt is love...

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what you make no sense if your both age of consent and legal it shouldn’t matter

Is the age gap too big?

The size of an age gap is subjective and depends on the individuals involved. Factors such as maturity levels, life stages, and compatibility play a role in determining if an age gap is too big. It's important to assess these aspects to see if the relationship can thrive despite the age difference.

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Is 6 years too big of an age gap?

It depends on the individuals involved. A 6-year age gap may not be significant for some couples, while for others it could impact their relationship due to differences in life experiences or maturity levels. Effective communication and mutual understanding can help navigate any challenges that arise from an age gap.

Is 13 years too big an age gap I'm 28?

No way. As long as the two people are in general are ok with it it's fine. After all age is just a number don't let it stand in your way.