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Q: Is 20 out of 25 a good Explore test score?
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What is 20 out of 30 on a test score?

66%. Not very good.

In Wii sports is a high number good in the test?

If you are talking about the fitness test, the higher the number, the worse your score. The score stands for what age of body you have. E. g. If your score is 20, you have a 20-year-old's body type.

How good is a French Baccalaureate score of 20?

A score of 20 is a perfect score.

Is 16 a good act composite score?

having that score is not good because they give you 12 if i was you i would retake it and study for the test this time.....

What is the best score for an eye vision test?

The best score for an eye vision test is typically 20/20, which means that a person can see at 20 feet what a person with normal vision can see at 20 feet. However, some people may have even better vision, such as 20/15 or 20/10.

If there are 20 questions on a test and you get one wrong what is your score?


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How many questions can you miss to score a 40 on a 20 question test?


20 questions on a test is worth how many points each?

5% of the total test score per question.

What is your score if you miss 5 question out of 25 questions?

Your score is the part of the test where you supplied correct answers.On a test with 25 questions, if you missed 5, you answered (25 - 5) = 20 correctly.If every questions was worth the same credit, then your score is 20/25 = 80% .I'm hoping fervently that it wasn't a math test.

What score would you get on a test if you got three wrong out of twenty?

17/20, 85%

What do you have to score in PA for a motorcycle permit on your test?

You must get atleast an 80% or 16 out of 20.