

Is 2 percent NaCl hypotonic or hypertonoic?

Updated: 11/10/2020
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9y ago

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This is a hypertonic solution.

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Q: Is 2 percent NaCl hypotonic or hypertonoic?
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That refers to a mixture consisting of 2/100 of sodium chloride (salt) and 98/100 of something else (usually water).

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Dissolve 2g of NaCl in 100 cm3 water at normal temperature.

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The osmolarity is 4 osmol/L.

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NaCl has not 2 in the formula unit.

How many grams of NaCl will be produced from 13g Cl2?

13g Cl2 * (1mol cl / 34.45 ) * (2 mol / 2 mol) * (58.44g NaCl / 1 mol NaCl) = 22g NaCl

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What is an example of a hypotonic solution?

A hypotonic solution has less than normal tension: hypo = less, and tonic = tonicity, the concentration of solute. Examples of hypotonic solutions: (1) Sports drinks that contain salts / electrolytes (2) physiologically: a. 0.45% NaCl (half-normal saline solution); since normal saline is 0.9% NaCl, any solution less than 9% is hypotonic b. dextrose 2.5% in water c. dextrose 2% in water

The molecular weight of NaCl determined by studing freezing point depression of its 0.5 percent aqueous solution is 30. What the apparent degree of dissociation of NaCl is?

Theritical MM/ Observed MM = 1 + a (2-1) 58.5/30 = 1+a a = .95 or 95%

2 Predict and explain what systems are electrically conducting a solid NaCl b molten NaCl c An aqueous solution of NaCl?

molten NaCl and An aqueous solution of NaCl will be conducting due to the presence of free ions in these.