

Is 2 years old to old for a hamsters first litter?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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No, a hamster can have her first litter when she's two. It's more common that she'll have her first sooner, but when she's two, it's okay. She's not old at two. She's old at 5-7.

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Q: Is 2 years old to old for a hamsters first litter?
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The Syrian hamster was introduced in 1930. They were breed for testing because they can have a litter of pups every month. The complete history of when hamsters were first found by scientist is not recorded.

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About 2 years old. But is best to spay her. Female cats do not need to have a litter first.

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It depends on your preference. Hamsters usually live to be 2 to 3 years old. Guinea pigs can live to be 8 to 10 years old. Guineas pigs are better to cuddle with. However, their litter needs to be spot cleaned every 2nd day.

How old does hamsters get?

They normally live until they are about 2-3 years old but this can vary.

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Robo hamsters live for about 1 year, though if you care for them carefully, they can live for at least a year and a half.

How old can a hamsters live up to?

a couple of years about 5 or6.

How long do adult hamsters grow up to?

1 and a half years old

How old do hamters live for?

3 years is about the maximum for hamsters but most of them expire at 2 years of age.