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Q: Is 3 to 4 weeks long enough for marjiuana to get out your system if you only smoked once?
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Can marijuana get out of your system in 20 days if you haven't smoked it in about 3 weeks?

can majuwnana get out of your system in 20 days if u havent smoked it in about 3 weeks

If someone took 2 puffs of marjiuana 1 month in a half ago is it still in there system?

First of all each person is different with how the body breaks down foreign substances. Second, drinking water or other products with Niacin (sorry don't think I spelled that right) it in will give a better chance the drug to be purged from your body. Third, if that is all that was smoked in that length of time, then no. With that said, marjiuana usually takes about 2 weeks to about a month to expell completely from your system and can usually feel affects 24 to 40 hours after taking a hit. So, to answer your question, no the marjiuana will not be in your system. However, hair has holds a different matter and that will always be imprinted in your hair.

I haven't smoked in 2 weeks is my system clean?

not yet

How long does marijuana take to be out of your system if smoked last week?

1-2 Weeks

You were locked up for 3 weeks and the day you got out you smoked weed when will it be out of your system?

Thirty days.

If you smoked weed 2weeks ago then one more time 14 days ago how long till im clean?

Well if u smoked weed 2 weeks ago and then again 14 days ago then that means you only smoked weed 2 weeks ago.........14 days in 2 weeks weed gets out of your system a month from the last time you smoked it

You smoked marijuana 25 days ago for two days are you clean?

They should be. Marijuana normally takes between 2 and 6 weeks to leave your system, depending on your height, body weight, and the amount of weed you smoke. So, 2 months (8 weeks) ought to be enough time.

First time smoked weed how long will it stay in blood?

If you only smoked once, no more than two weeks, depending on how much, it may be out of your system in a matter of days.

How long will weed stay in your system if you havent smoked in 2 months and you took 5 hits off a joint?

Doesn't matter how long since you last smoked. Weed stays in your system from 2 weeks to a month.

You have not smoked weed in 14 weeks. You hit a blunt twice yesterday how long will it stay in your system?

It depends on the amount and frequency of smoking before the 14 weeks.

You smoked a joint 2 weeks ago how long will that take to get out your system if you dont smoke at all?

about 3 weeks maybe before that if you drink alot of water

If your are about 400 lbs and you smoked 2 days ago how long does it take to clean weed out your system?

If you mean you smoked cannibis, give it 4-6 weeks, and longer in hair follicles.