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Q: Is 5'9 153 lbs freshman high school QB bench 195 squat 240 and power clean 160 good?
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What football position if you have a max of 110 bench 160 squat 125 power clean 7'4 broad jump a 4.99 20 yard shuttle and i weigh 130 and im 5'6?

The bench....Unless you are in middle school.

Who is the best high school running back in Raleigh?

KEITH MARSHALL OF MILLBROOK HIGH SCHOOL RUNS A 4.25 40 Squat: 455 Power Clean: 250 Bench: 265 Incline: 240

What is Science Power 9?

It is a high school science textbook, most often used for freshman courses.

How much should a 15 year old be able to power clean?

hey i am 15 and i live in Michigan i hold a solid power clean at 240, but i work out often i also bench 250 dead lift 620 and full squat 500 but i am 6'7" and almost 300 pounds so you really cant compare your self to me. the coach at our school said if you can do over 200 you are good.

How much can Brian Dawkins bench press?

325-pound bench press … 315-pound power clean … 39-inch vertical jump

Where can one purchase a bench power supply?

Power Supply Depot is one source that carries a variety of power supplies, including bench supplies. Amazon and Ebay are other sources for purchasing a bench power supply.

does the power rack come with a bench or pedastal?

This rack does not come with a bench or pedestal,it has an outer and inner rack.

Is there an attachment to do dips on a Hoist bench press?

No, there is not any attachments that will allow dips on a hoist bench. They have an power tower for that.

How much can Michael Myers bench press?

He carried and lifted a tombstone out of the ground which looked nearly if not a ton, comparing the size to a average size tombstone. He even lifted a golf gti in the Halloween 2 (2009) which is a little over 3000 pounds

As a sophomore football player in high school at 6 foot 200 pounds how much should you bench squat and power clean as a defensive end?

As a sophomore in HS you should ATLEAST being doing 135. Since you are a defensive end I'd say around the 200 area. As well as Bench, atleast 210 Max. And for squat 350-400 im 15 going in to my sophomore year i bench 195 and squat 315 and clean 170 also am 6 foot 200 pounds but im a linebacker for a dfensive end id say you should be benching 220 and squatting 350-400 i have a friend that is our same size he benches 230 and squats 550 i dont know if this helped you or not but i tried

What is the Difference between power clean and clean pull in weight lifting?

A "clean pull" is the pull that is part of the clean. However, it does not end in "clean" (a catfish is a type of fish, not a cat), so it is not a clean or power clean, as the bar is never racked in the shoulders. Also, a power clean must be caught and racked with the thighs always at or above parallel.

Power lifting competion consists of three lifts what are they?

Power lifting competitions consist of the deadlift, bench press and squat.