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Yes, 100 times stronger!

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A magnitude 8 earthquake is 100 times stronger than a magnitude 6 quake.

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How much stronger was the Chile earthquake than the one in Haiti?

The Chile earthquake at 8.8 was about 100 times stronger than the Haiti earthquake at 6.8. The Richter scale is logarithmic. The difference between the earthquakes is 2.0, which is the logarithm of 100.

How many times stronger is an earthquake with a magnitude of 5.0 than an earthquake with a magnitude of 4.0?

The Richter scales grows by powers of 10, so an increase of 1 point means the strength of an earth quake is 10 times greater than the level before it; for example, and earthquake registering 3.0 on the Richter scale is 10 times stronger than a quake that registered 2.0

Is static friction stronger than rolling friction?

Yes it is. The force of rollin friction is 100 to 1000 times weaker than static friction.

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The strongest acid is fluoroantimonic acid which is 2×1019 times stronger than 100% sulfuric acid.

How many times stronger is a magnitude 9 earthquake than a magnitude 7?

Answer #1:by a magnitude of 2======================Answer #2:by a factor of 100

A stone 100 times heavier than small rock when dropped falls with same acceleration why?

There are several ways to explain this. For example: The object that is 100 times heavier will be attracted 100 times stronger, by Earth's gravitation. But it will also have 100 times more mass, meaning that it takes 100 times more force to give it a certain acceleration.

How many times greater in strength is an earthquake rated 4 on the Richter Scale tha an earthquake rated 2?

Each number on the Richter scale is TEN TIMES stronger than the lower number. Therefore - in this case, a strength 4 quake is 100 times stronger than a strength 2.