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No, because my daughter is 10 years old and she is 51kg and 153cm.

she tries to work out every day.

54kg for a 14 year old is perfectly fine but make sure not to gain too much

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Q: Is 54kg overweight for a 14 year old who is 163cm tall?
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Is 54kg overweight for a 14 year old?

I dont think so And it also depends on your height

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Is a 14 year old girl considered overweight if she weighs over 160 pounds?

Unless she's really tall that would be overweight.

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Depends how tall you are, really.

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Selena Gomez official height from June 2009 is 163cm aka 5'4" so last year she was probably around the same

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is that a joke question, of course they are overweight. Depending on their age they could be severely overweight, say an 8 year old child or just overweight, like a 12 year old who is semi tall for their age. Either way, the child needs a treadmill.

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Assuming they are around 165cm tall (which is the average where I live) between 54kg and 68kg. (About 5'5" between 120lbs-150lbs). Hope this helps :)

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