

Is 65 degrees warm

Updated: 10/31/2022
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8y ago

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65 degrees Celsius - you'd be dead

65 degrees Fahrenheit - pretty warm

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How many degrees are in 65 degrees?


What is 65 degrees f in c?

65 degrees Fahrenheit equal 18.3 degrees Celsius 65 °F = 18.3 °C

What temperature is 65 degrees Celsius in Fahrenheit?

65 degrees Celsius = 149 degrees Fahrenheit.65 degrees Celsius = 149 degrees Fahrenheit.

How do you take care of a pregnant crab?

you wash it with a damp warm rag and keep it in 65 degrees Fahrenheit and have baby fish for it to it

What is 65 degrees C in Farenite?

65 degrees celsius is 149 degrees Fahrenheit.

Is 65F hot?

it is Warm. for example: if it is 65 degrees outside. its usually humid. You dont really neeed a sweater. but its not VERY hot

How many degrees kelvin equal 65 degrees Fahrenheit?

65 degrees fahrenheit=291.48 degrees Kelvin

What is 65 degrees in Fahrenheit?

65 degrees Celsius = 149 degrees Fahrenheit.

How many Celsius are in 65 degrees Fahrenheit?

65 degrees Fahrenheit = 18.3 degrees Celsius.

What does -65 degrees Celsius equal in Fahrenheit?

-65 degrees Celsius = -85 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is 65 degrees Fahrenheit on a celsius scale?

65 degrees Fahrenheit is 18.3 degrees Celsius.

If you have tropical fish is it accurate for the thermometer to read 65 degrees but when you put your finger in the water it feels luke warm and you don't know if that's right?

If the book or store says your tropical fish need 65 degrees and that is what your thermometer says then it will feel lukewarm. Your bathwater will be at about 100 degrees and your hot water tank at about 120 degrees.