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Q: Is 80 degrees Celsius hotter than 50 degrees Celsius?
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Is 50 degrees hotter on a celsius or Fahrenheit?

50 is much hotter in Celsius than Fahrenheit.

Is 50 degrees hotter on a Celsius or Fahrenheit scale?

50 C is hotter than 50 F.Minus 40 C and minus 40 F are the same temperature.Below minus 40, any C is colder than the same F.Above minus 40, any C is hotter than the same F.

Is 50 degrees hotter on a Celsius scale or Farenhight scale?

50 degrees is hotter on the Celsius scale.

Is 50 degrees hotter on a celsius or on a Fahrenheit and why?

50 degrees is hotter on a Celsius scale. It amounts to about 120 degrees Fahrenheit.

Which is hotter 80 Fahrenheit or 50 degrees celsius?

50 degrees Celsius is hotter as its equal to 122 degrees Fahrenheit.

It's 50 Celsius hotter than 100 Fahrenheit?

Yes because 50 degrees Celsius is equivalent to 122 degrees Fahrenheit

How much hotter than normal body temperature is 50degrees celsius?

A normal body temperature is 37 degrees Celsius or 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. A body temperature of 50 degrees Celsius is 13 degrees hotter than a normal body temperature. If your body temperature were to reach 50 degrees Celsius you be dead.

Is 50 degrees hotter in Celsius of Fahrenheit?

Answer is 10 degree celsius. Use this method to get the answers. Start by subtracting 32 from 50 .Then multiply the answer with 5 and divide by 9. In this case the answer is 10 degree celsius.

Is 50 hotter on a Celsius or a Fahrenheit scale?

50 C is hotter than 50 F

Is 50 degrees hotter in Celsius or Fahrenheit?

Celsius! 50 degrees Fahrenheit is equal to about 10 degrees Celsius. In Fahrenheit, the climatic temperature can reach over 100, but in Celsius it will go into negatives and up to about 50 (max).

Is 50 hotter on a Celsius or on a Fahrenheit?

50 celsius Hotter on Celsius Scale

Is 50 hotter on Celsius or on a Fahrenheit scale?

50 celsius Hotter on Celsius Scale