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You don't normally want a body temp under 96.9 the normal ranges are 96.9 to 99.9 degrees F

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Q: Is 94 degree f normal body temperature during sleep?
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Is it normal if hamsters are sleepy?

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Taking normal sleep every night help in consolidation of memory. During sleep the neuron cells do the needful to consolidate memory.

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It is extremely unlikely to be killed in your sleep under normal circumstances. However, certain medical conditions, such as sleep apnea or heart conditions, can increase the risk of complications during sleep. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional if you have concerns about your health during sleep.

How do you stimulate the hypothalmus?

Can not think why you would need to, unless you are ill that is. If you are unable to sleep, if your body temperature is high , if your hormonal system is not normal, if your appetite is not normal - you need a medical practicioner

Is a temperature lower than normal good for body?

Good?? Well - you might live longer (and it is low during sleep) but all your enzymes are optimized for 37 degrees C. Note that in times of stress, temp goes up.

Why someone cannot sleep during hangover?

A person may not be able to sleep during a hangover because they have an excessive migraine. This may also be caused by a rise in body temperature due to the alcohol content in the body.

How much do bees sleep?

Honey bees do not sleep, by our understanding of sleep, anyway. They do take a break and become relaxed. Their body temperature drops and they become unresponsive during this time.

Is it normal for a 12 year old to be sleepy a lot during puberty?

It is if you're not getting enough sleep - teens and kids need 10 hours of sleep a night!

Why do teenagers sweat when they sleep?

Teenagers sweat more than normal, not just when they sleep. This is because about 3 million sweat glands become active during puberty.

Why are there springs in my mattress>?

The springs are there to absorb motion. If they weren't there, normal movements during sleep could actually hurt you.