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Q: Is 94 lb overweight for a 10 year old girl?
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Is 10 stone overweight for a 5' 2 16-year-old girl?

yes you are overweight get over it man

What is the average weight of a 5' 10-year-old girl and is 95 lbs overweight?

NO shes not over weight because the average weight for a 10 year old girl is between 95 and 110

Is a 12 year old girl who weighs 10 stone slightly overweight?

If she is under 5 feet tall, yes she is.

Is 93 pounds overweight for a 10 year old?


Im a 4'8 10 year old girl and weighs just over 80 pounds am i overweight?

yes lose some

Is an 4'8 10-year-old girl too skinny if she weighs 60 pounds?

NO!!!! you are a bit overweight really. if you lose at lest 10 pounds you will be okay!!!

Is ninety five pounds for a 10 year old girl who's five feet and has lots of muscle overweight?

definitely not its a perfect weight

Is 13 stone overweight for a 10 year old girl that is 5'1?

Yes, that would be considered to be in the obese range for somebody that height and age.

Is 94 pounds overweight for a 10-year-old?

The average weight of a 10 year old girl should be about 72 pounds. For a boy it should be 90 pounds. So a weight of 95 pounds for either would be considered overweight.

Who is more awesome a 10 year old girl or a 51 year old dad?

a 10 year old girl

Is 89 lb overweight for a 10 year old in winter?

no really its meduim

Is 200 pounds overweight for a 10 year old girl?

Age does not play a big part in deciding if a person is overweight. The deciding factors judging if a person is overweight are height and body composition. Saying that, there is no set "perfect" weight for any age group. Generally, the typical weight of a typical 10 year old girl is around 70-85 pounds (lbs) on average. Taking this information, 200 pounds is overweight for an average 10 year old. This can cause long-term health problems such as diabetes, weak joints and heart weakening (leading to further heart issues). A doctor can advise you better. See the related question below.