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Q: Is Andrew Jackson opposed the congress because he believed it gave too much power to the wealthy true?
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Did Andrew Jackson oppose the congress because he believed it gave too much power to the wealthy?

NO! He opposed it because he believed it gave too much power to the poor.

Why did congress declare war on the central powers?

congress declared war because Samuel Jackson opposed the act trying to be passed. the Holocaust began and eventually ended the war.

Why did Jackson opposed the national bank?

Andrew Jackson opposed the first National Bank because he disliked the people running the national bank.

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Congress, Jefferson, Pennsylvania farmers(Whiskey Rebellion)

Some members of Congress were opposed to the American System because?

Some members of Congress were opposed to the American System because they felt that federal funds should not be used to pay for internal improvements in states.

Why did Webster and Jackson oppose nullification?

Webster and Jackson opposed nullification because they believed that it undermined the authority of the federal government and threatened the stability of the Union. They argued that only the federal courts, not individual states, had the authority to interpret and enforce the Constitution. They believed that nullification would lead to the disintegration of the Union and ultimately weaken the power of the federal government.

What did the whig party accomplish?

The whig party opposed president Andrew Jackson and most of his ideals. They favored congress over presidency.

What was Jackson's reasons for wanting to kill the bank of the US?

The Bank of the US was run by the rich people in the Eastern US. It gave preferential treatment to business interests in the East and was not of service to Jackson's people on the Western frontier. Moreover, its management lobbied against Jackson in Congress and offered favorable loans to anti-Jackson forces in Congress. Jackson killed it by campaigning against the renewal of its charter and when that effort succeeded, he sped its death by ordering federal funds to be withdrawn from it.

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Why did Jackson oppose the bank of the knighted states?

Jackson opposed the Bank of the United States because he believed it was an unconstitutional concentration of power. He thought the bank favored the interests of wealthy elites and contributed to economic inequality. Jackson also believed in a decentralized banking system controlled by individual states rather than a national bank.

Some leaders opposed the bank of the united states because they believed what?

All freedom

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The Free Soil Party members were opposed to the spread of slavery because they believed in a system that was not only economical but moral as well. They believed every human being ought to be judged by his ability and not skin color.