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Antarctica is arid and is one of the driest deserts on earth. It is also the location of the lowest recorded temperatures. So, it's extremely cold and extremely dry.

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Q: Is Antarctica cold and dry or cold and wet?
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Does Antarctica have a dry and wet season?

Antarctica does have a dry and wet season, but the wet season consists mainly of snow. It doesn't rain in Antarctica, and Antarctica is a desert, so there is not much snow.Another AnswerAntarctica is a desert and thus has no wet season.

What is the origin of cold wet air masses?

No, They can be COLD, WET; COLD,DRY; WARM, WET; or WARM, DRY.

Is Antarctica cold and dry?

Yes, it is both cold and dry.

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its cold when wet! its cold when wet!

Is Antarctica considered wet?

No, Antarctica is considered icy and dry, as the driest and iciest continent on earth.

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Mostly hot and dry but can be cold an wet during winter but never too cold as snowing

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Nothing grows on Antarctica: it's too cold and dry.

Why chemical weathering would not be rapid in antarctica?

Because it's cold and dry and chemical weathering usually happens in warm and wet areas like the tropical areas

Are there dry hot deserts anywhere in Antarctica?

No, the entire Antarctic Desert, which covers nearly all of Antarctica, is a cold, dry desert.

Would a wet animal cool quicker than a dry animal?

An animal that is wet will dry quicker because when your wet your cold when you get out of the shower.

What is the geography of Antarctica?

Well I can tell you it's cold and dry!