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The age of Barney Northup is disclosed at the beginning of the book. Read it and find out.

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1mo ago

No, Barney Northrup and Sam Westing are two different characters in the mystery novel "The Westing Game" by Ellen Raskin. Barney Northrup is a shady real estate salesman, while Sam Westing is a wealthy businessman who orchestrates a complex game for his heirs.

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Q: Is Barney Northrup Sam Westing
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Is Barney northrup from the westing game alive at the end of the story?

Sort of..he was Sam Westing in disguise and therefore when Sam Westing dies,Barney dies with him.

What were Sam westing's five identities?

Sam Westing's five identities were: Sandy McSouthers, Sam Westing, Barney Northrup, Julian R. Eastman, and Windy Windkloppel. Each of these identities played a role in the intricate mystery of "The Westing Game."

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Sam Westing's aliases are Barney Northrup, Julian R. Eastman, Sandy McSouthers, and J.J. Ford.

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no one killed him he is still alive but he is playing as sandy McSouthers, Barney Northrup and julian eastman

What are sam westing identities in the book The Westing Game?

In "The Westing Game," Sam Westing has multiple identities: he is also known as Sandy McSouthers, Barney Northrup, and Julian R. Eastman. These identities are part of a complex scheme created by Sam Westing as part of his mysterious game to determine his heir.

Does Sam Westing own sunset towers?

Sam Westing is Sandy McSouthers, Barney Northrup etc. So no, he does not own Sunset Towers, as he is the doorman.

In the westing game what dose sandy mcsouthers and barney northrup and jullian eastmo nand samual westing have to do with the book?

they are ALL sam westing :D

What is Barney Northrups relationship to other characters in the Westing Game?

Nothing. Barney Northrup, Sam Westing, Sandy McSouthers, and Julian Eastman are all the same person.

Who is sam westing in the westing game?

Sam Westing is a wealthy businessman who is the mastermind behind the mystery game played by the heirs in "The Westing Game" book. He is a complex character with a hidden agenda and his true identity is revealed towards the end of the story.

In The Westing Game who is the bookie?

In "The Westing Game," the bookie is Barney Northrup, who sets up the game for Sam Westing's heirs to solve. Barney is actually Sam Westing in disguise, orchestrating the game to bring out the best in the heirs.

Is Barney Northrup Otis amber?

No, Barney Northrup and Otis Amber are two different characters in the book "The Westing Game" by Ellen Raskin. Barney Northrup is a fake identity created by Sandy McSouthers, while Otis Amber is a private investigator hired to help solve the mystery of Samuel W. Westing's death.

What part did barney northrup play in the westing game?

Barney Northrup was a fictional character created by Samuel W. Westing to serve as his disguise in the Westing Game. He was intended to be mysterious and misleading, ultimately leading the heirs to play the game and solve the mystery surrounding Westing's supposed death.