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What does your dog's Vet say?

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Q: Is Benadryl safe with clonicalm for dogs?
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Is Benadryl 25 mg safe for dogs?

This will depend upon the size of the dog and the exact formulation of Benadryl you are asking about.

Can Benadryl be toxic to a cat?

No, benadryl can't be toxic to cats OR dogs, but aspirin is toxic to cats or dogs hope this helped :)

How long can you continue to give my dog benadryl?

You should follow the same instructions for administration and dosage amounts that the box recommends for humans. Benadryl is completely safe to use on dogs.

Can Benadryl be successfully used to help with the itching and scratching caused by hot spots?

Yes, absolutely. Benedryl is safe for dogs.

Do you give the adult Benadryl or children's Benadryl to dogs?

You can give 0.5-1mg of benadryl per pound

Does Benadryl help for seizures in dogs?

While Benadryl or diphenhydramine can be used safely for dogs, if proper dosage is carefully applied, diphenhydramine is not an anticonvulsant, and as such will likely not work for this application. In short, not deadly; not effective either.

Can you overdose dogs on Benadryl?

Yes, a dog can overdose on Benadryl, and it doesn't take as much as you might think.

Can you give dogs acetaminiphen?

NO, it is fatal to dogs. DO NOT give human pain relievers to dogs. Only a handful of drugs are safe for humans and dogs. Benadryl is the only one someone without training should give a dog in an allergic emergency.

Can Benadryl and patanase be taken together?

Yes, scince patanase is a topical antihistimine, and benadryl is oral. It is safe

Is benadryl dangerous?

Is draino safe to drink? If you enjoy life i wouldn't recommend injecting benadryl into a vein.

Is otc Benadryl safe for your dog?

Actually it is safe in the right doses...Dogs and cats can be given 1-2 mg/lb every eight hours. This can be used to treat allergic reactions, and it also has some anti-anxiety and anti-vertigo effects. As a general rule, it is pretty safe stuff. The primary side effect is drowsiness.. Always check with your Vet.. I got this info off of a Vet site.

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