

Is Bermuda Triangle mistry solved

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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No,The Bermuda Triangle is still a mystery But if you want you Can research more about it.

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Has the mystery of the Bermuda triangle solved?

No, there are many scientific theories, but none has explained all the mysteries or has been universally accepted. Larry Kusche's book "The Bermuda Triangle Mystery-Solved" is an excellent source of info about all this.

What is the answer to the Bermuda Triangle mystery?

Nobody currently knows, but there are several theories you can research. Larry Kusche's book, "The Bermuda Triangle Mystery-Solved" is your best source of info on this.

Why does time go more quickly in the Bermuda triangle?

It doesn't. See Larry Kusche's book "The Bermuda Triangle Mystery-Solved" if you want to know the real truth of what is going on there.

What causes the Bermuda triangle to suck in things?

It isn't. The Bermuda Triangle is a made-up mystery; you are no more likely to vanish there than any other piece of ocean... or you can bet the insurance companies would forbid travel in the danger zone. If you are really interested in how the Bermuda Triangle Hoax got started, there's a book called "The Bermuda Triangle Mystery-Solved" by Larry Kusche.

Why is it known as the Bermuda Triangle?

The Bermuda Triangle is named after the island of Bermuda.

Is the Bermuda triangle a whirl pool?

The Bermuda Triangle is an imaginary triangle.

Is the Bermuda Triangle near Florida?

Yes, the Bermuda Triangle is off the coast of Florida, Cuba, and Bermuda.

Was the Bermuda triangle mystery solved?

None knows much about the Bermuda triangle.I do not think anybody was alive after being on the ship. So if my idea is right no one well solve the mystery .

Do compass malfunctions happen in the Bermuda Triangle?

They happen everywhere, no more there than anywhere else. The Triangle is a manufactured mystery. Given the weather and traffic, no more vanishings there than anywhere else. See Larry Kusche's book "The Bermuda Triangle Mystery-Solved" if you really want to know the truth about the Triangle.

Is there pyramids in the Bermuda triangle?

No there are no pyramids in the bermuda triangle Idiot

Was the Bermuda triangle closed?

No it was not the bermuda triangle is an area of ocean.