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Q: Is Bulgar wheat kosher for those who eat lentils on Passover?
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Is mustard kosher for Passover?

It depends on the brand. However, even brands of real mustard that are certified kosher for Passover are still kitniyot.

What foods are pareve that are on the kosher list?

Yes. It should be labeled as having had rabbinic supervision for passover use. Note that Kosher for Passover certification is distinct from the Kosher certification that non-Passover wines may have.

Can Jews eat scones during Passover?

Generally, most scones are not allowed to be eaten during Passover because they are typically made with regular flour or cake flour. However, if the scones were especially baked with only Kosher for Passover ingredients (like matzoh cake flour or coconut flour), a Jew may eat those scones during Passover.

How is the food cooked during Passover?

Food is cooked no differently than at any time of year. We just use some different ingredients (only food that is kosher for Passover) and those who are observant will use different sets of pots and pans, dishes, etc.

Do bagels have Kosher verification on the box?

Some bagels are kosher and some are not. Those that are kosher will have it listed on the label. My current bagels are kosher.

Does a king fish have scales?

King fish is considered to be kosher. Kosher fishes are those that have fins and scales.

Is kitniyyot kosher?

Kitniyot refers to a subgroup of food items that are not eaten my Ashkenazi Jews during Pesach. If those items are certified kosher then they're kosher.

Can jewish people eat chips?

The problem with the word "cod" is that it refers to more than one kind of fish, some of which are kosher types and some that aren't. Those "cods" that have fins and scales (when alive) are the kosher kinds. Those kinds that didn't have fins or scales aren't kosher kinds (Deuteronomy ch.14). To be kosher, the fish would have to be a kosher type of fish; and the ingredients (fish, chips, peas) would have to be cooked in kosher pots and pans.

Are iguanas kosher?

No. They do not have split hooves, they do not chew their cud, and they are close to the ground. Those three things do not make them not-kosher.

Are bean sprouts kosher for Passover?

It depends. If you are of Sephardic or Mizrahi extraction then yes, they are. If, however, you are Ashkenazi, then traditionally no, they're not. This is because they fall into the category of kitniyot, small things - peas and beans from which it is possible to make flour that could become confused with flour made from the Five Grains. If a Jewish person eats any food in which any of these grains has come into contact with water for more than eighteen minutes during manufacture, the food becomes chametz and he or she risks karet - being spiritually cut off from G-d, one of the harshest punishments in the Jewish tradition and consciousness. However, the ban on kitniyot is a rabbinic tradition aimed at helping people avoid accidentally condemning themselves to karet - it does not have a religious reason and is not included in the Torah. For that reason, many Ashkenazi Jews - especially those who stick to a vegetarian or vegan diet, as I do, for whom legumes are an important source of protein and a major part of what they eat - do now eat kitniyot during Passover, though we take very great care to ensure we are not eating chametz.

How do you wish someone a happy passover in Hebrew?

a zisn Pesach = (Have) a sweet Pesach a koshern Pesach = (Have) a kosher Pesach a freylakhn Pesach =(Have) a happy PesachSome Yiddish-speakers offer the wish in Hebrew, saying "KHAG kah-SHARE v'sah-MAY-akh" ... literally "a kosher and joyful festival".Those more comfortable in the vernacular would more likely offer the wish in Yiddish: "ah KOE'sher'n PAY-sahkh" ... literally "a kosher Passover".In both cases, the importance of experiencing a proper, kosher holiday is right up there with the importance of pleasure and enjoyment, and his wish reflects that priority.

Why is Passover to remember those who are not FREE?

That is not what Passover is about at all! Passover is to remember that G-d took the Jews out of Egypt, that he made the ten plagues, and that he split the Yam Suf (Sea of Reeds).