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Carbon dioxide is a covalently bonded compound, because two (or more) different elements have chemically bonded to form the completely new substance.

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Q: Is CO2 a compound or mixture element?
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Is co2a mixture?

Yes C is an element O is an element CO2 is a mixture / compound of two elements

Is a CO2 in water a element mixture or compound?

Carbon dioxide is a compound; in water solution is called frequently carbonic acid but is not correct.The system CO2-H2O is a mixture.

Is Co and CO2 a Element or mixture?

Capitalization matters when it comes to chemical formulas Co is the element cobalt. CO is the compound carbon monoxide. Co2 doesn't exist CO2 is the compound carbon dioxide

Is carbon dioxide an element a compound a mixture or not matter?

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a compound composed of carbon and oxygen atoms.

Is carbon dioxide a element a compound or a solution or heterogeneous mixture?

CO2 is a compound. It contains carbon and oxygen

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When you mix an element with a compound, a chemical reaction may occur. The element may react with the compound to form a new compound or may remain unchanged depending on the reactivity of the elements involved.

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Is energy an element mixture or compound?

No, energy is NOT an element, a compound or a mixture.