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i have heard that it will happen but my guess is as good as any but my family is moving to georgia so if u arent scared of earthquakes then stay but if u are i would move

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yes scientist predict within 30 years

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Q: Is California due for a big earthquake?
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When was the big earthquake in California?


How high is the risk of a major earthquake in S California?

Very high. Virtually all seismologists, referring to a large scale earthquake in Southern California say it is not a matter of if - it is only a matter of when. Even more grimly, there are more than a few seismologists that say southern California is over-due for a "big one".

What is the earthquake risk in the state of California?

all th big buildings there

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The big earthquake Please click recommend below

What fault zone did the 1992 big bear earthquake occur?

The 1992 Big Bear earthquake occurred along the Landers fault zone in Southern California. It was a magnitude 7.3 earthquake that caused significant damage in the area.

Will there really be an earthquake in 30 years that will move California?

No. While there is a chance of "The Big One" striking in the next 30 years the amount of movement along the fault will not be more than a few meters.

When was Californias last major occurrence?

The most recent significant California earthquake was the 1994 Northridge earthquake, magnitude 6.7, which killed around 60 people. The last earthquake above magnitude 7 in California was the 1999 Hector Mine earthquake, magnitude 7.1. There were no deaths due to it occurring in the middle of the Mojave desert.

What month has the most earthquake activity in California?

Earthquake activity in California is generally active year-round, but historically, the months of May through October tend to have slightly higher earthquake activity due to increased tectonic pressures along fault lines during the summer months.

Will there be a big earthquake in LA any time soon?

California sits an a variety of fault lines and it is only a matter of when, not if, a big earthquake will occur. Scientists say it's a certainty. They just don't know the exact time it will happen.

What is more destructive a big earthquake or many small earthquakes?

It depends on how big the earthquake is. A big earthquake will cause more damage to the area.

How have people adapted to life in California in an earthquake zone?

because california is a beatiful place and people like to live in california by a earthquake zonw

What is the complete subject in this sentence A big earthquake rocked the city in 1906?

The proper subject is "earthquake", its whole group is "A big earthquake".