

Best Answer

Yes, it is totally true.

God told the men what to write in The Bible but that is all they did wrote down the words that God told them to write down. So the Bible is the only true book. A good place read in the Bible for new Christians or for people who are not Christians is John it is easier to under stand.

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Q: Is Christianity true or not
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What is Christianity true to but not judaism?

Christianity Claims to be true to the teachings of Chirist.

What is the true Christianity?

Jesus Christ.

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Christianity is the most true of these Christianity is the religion that Jesus started so I would say that is the truest of the three of these.

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Because Islam was protected and is perfect while Christianity started off as true and perfect but was changed as it was passed on.

How will you prove that Christianity is a true religion?

You cannot prove that Christianity is the true relligion, this has to be proven by the individual.The teachings of Christianity are only true in so far as the original records have been translated correctly. Read James 1:5-6. By doing as James suggests you will know the truth.

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The key figure of Christianity is Christ. For us to be true christian we must follow the work of Christ.

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true. If any christians were found they would be persecuted

What would Christianity do without capitalism?

True Christianity does not need 'capitalism' to exist and thrive. True Christianity does not feature pomp and wealth. True Christianity does not need 'tithing' mandated to it, to exist and thrive. Tithing was mandated for the ancient Israelites to care for their priests, who received no land-inheritance (other than 42 little towns and the surrounding fields.) True Christianity does not have a paid clergy with free residence, free vehicle, and a hefty retirement package. There's a difference between 'true' Christianity, and 'pseudo' Christianity. There actually is a Christian religion that does not tithe; has never passed a collection plate; and has no paid clergy; and does not accumulate wealth. But as your question exposes, -- much of religion, exists because of capitalism, tithing, and plenty of money. It is each ones need to search for something that's different; to being able to recognize the difference between 'true' and 'pseudo' Christianity. The question reflects that the questioner has not found it as yet; and unfairly throws everything into the same barrel.

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Beliefs of Christianity?

Read the bibile for TRUE answers if you really want them.

What are the diffrances between roman state religion and Christianity?

Roman State religion was idolatrous and Christianity believes in the one true God.