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What you are referring to is "Valley Fever" or "San Jauquin Vally Fever", or the technical name - Coccidioidomycosis. It is a fungal disease that is caused by breathing the airborne spores. It is endemic to the southwestern U.S., especially AZ. Most people get very mild symptoms - flu-like - which go away in a few days. A few get infections of the lung, joints, or other organs. At risk groups include Asians, African-Americans, and older people. It's most dangerous for people with surpressed immune systems. There is no cure pe se, but an anti-fungal drug is given when it gets serious. How do I know this?....I've had it for 8 months and it's NASTY, especially the drug regime.

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Q: Is Coachella Valley fever caused by spores?
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Can valley fever spores be killed?

It's very difficult to kill Valley fever spores outside the body. In the body a group of drugs called -conazoles are used.

When was the first antibiotic used to treat valley fever?

Valley fever is not caused by a bacteria and so an antibiotic cannot be used to treat Valley fever. Valley fever is treated with an antifungal.

Where does valley fever spreads?

Valley fever is spread touring very dry seasons after a rain. At this time a fungus produces many spores which are blown and people inhale them.

Is valley fever contagious through people?

Contagious means that a disease can be passed from one person to another, like a cold. This is not. A person gets this by inhaling fungus spores.

Why does Ohio valley fever not respond to antibiotics?

Ohio Valley Fever does not respond to antibiotics because it is caused by a fungus, Histoplasma capsulatum, not a bacteria.Ohio Valley fever does respond to antifungal drug.

What is valley fever?

Valley fever is a fungal infection caused by coccidioidesfungi. It can cause fever, chest pain and coughing, among other signs and symptoms. It is common in the south western US.

How do dogs get valley fever?

Dogs that are most commonly infected with canine valley fever are puppies, older dogs and dogs with compromised immune systems. The immune system does have the capability to fight off this infection before symptoms can even be realized, but it requires an exceptionally strong immune system to do so. They get by breathing in the spores just as in humans.

What would happen to people if they had valley fever?

People who had Valley fever would have flu-like symptoms, muscle pain, fever,rash,headache and joint pain.

What disease did mama get in Esperenza Rising?

the disease is called valley fever. it is a disease of the lungs that is cause by dust spores. it is basically an infection in your lungs.

Is valley fever in payson AZ?

The fungi that cause valley fever - Coccidioides immitisor Coccidioides posadasii - are found in southern Arizona, Nevada, northern Mexico and California's San Joaquin Valley. They're also found in New Mexico, Texas, and parts of Central and South America.

How do you get valley fever?

Humans usually get RVF through bites from infected mosquitoes. Humans can also get the disease if they are exposed to the blood, body fluids, or tissues of infected animals. Infection through aerosol transmission of RVF virus has occurred in the laboratory environment. This a viral disease compared to valley fever in the South West US which is an inhaled fungal disease.

What causes valley-fever?

Valley fever is a fungal infection caused by coccidioides fungi. It can cause fever, chest pain and coughing, among other signs and symptoms. Two species of coccidioides fungi cause valley fever and are commonly found in the soil and can be stirred into the air by farming, construction and wind.The fungi is then breathed into the lungs and causes valley fever, also known as acute coccidioidomycosis.