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Q: Is ColorofChangeorg campaigning to get 33 companies to abandon their advertising commercials on the Glenn Beck Show at Fox News?
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What is the economic value of beer commercials?

Beer commercials are expensive just like any form of advertising for other companies. Companies devote large amounts of capital for advertising. An average commercial costs anywhere from $200,000 to $800,000.

Which companies advertise cellular phone deals through television commercials?

There are various companies which advertise cellular phone deals through television commercials. In the USA, AT&T and Verizon are the two biggest cellular phone companies advertising through the use of television commercials.

Does You Tube have Visa Commercials?

"Yes, You Tube displays Visa commercials. You Tube has several Visa commercials.Several companies use You Tube for advertising when promoting new products."

Which advertising agency works with the major television network TNT?

There are a lot of advertising agencies that work with the network TNT. One of these large companies include Olegla Advertising. There are in charge of a lot of commercials.

How do TV commercials make any money?

TV commercials make money through advertising. Companies pay TV networks to air their commercials during popular shows or time slots. The more viewers a TV show or time slot has, the more money the TV network can charge for advertising. Additionally, companies may pay extra for prime advertising spots during highly anticipated events, such as the Super Bowl.

Why did car companies stop leasing cars?

Is this a theoretical question? More than half the car commercials are advertising lease plans.

Surf the channel?

Most people change the channel when commercials come on during the program they are watching. Advertising companies spend a lot of money on commercials so that people stop surfing the channels.

How much money does a food advertising campaign cost?

Food advertising campaign costs vary. This is due to the type of product it is and the medium that they are advertising in. This could include television advertisements, flyers, radio commercials, newspapers internet advertising which all cost varying amounts. It is likely that millions of dollars are spent for products by companies.

What do you think of TV commercial?

i think commercials are boring but help some companies i think commercials are boring but help some companies i think commercials are boring but help some companies

Advertising companies in the Philippines?

There are many advertising companies in the Philippines. A few of the advertising companies are JWT Manila, DDB Philippines, and DM9 JaymeSyfu.

How do companies promote tobacco and alcohol?

Companies promote these through the use of advertising, not so much as before due to heavy regulation. Alcohol is still advertised on television, whereas tobacco is not anymore. Tobacco companies do not promote the USE OF tobacco short of selling it. Commercials on television advertising alcohol now almost all include "please enjoy responsibly" as well.

What companies would be interested in advertising on MySpace and why?

Like myspace backgrounds and more and Advertisements about different commercials and products other than the pop-ups and browser downloads there is absolutely no telling how many website would be interested in advertising their products specially on myspace.