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Q: Is Earth 2nd closest to the sun?
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What planet is 2nd closest from the earth?

Venus is the second closest planet to the sun.

The earth is the closest to the sun at?

The `perihelion` is when a planet is closest to the sun in its orbit around the sun. for earth, this usually happens between 2nd-5th January each year.

Is the earth 2nd 3rd or 4th planet from the sun?

Yes, Earth is the third planet from the Sun.

what is the closest earth to the sun?

Earth is what even not closest to what not the Sun?

The earth is closest to the sun?

No. The planet closest to the Sun is Mercury.

Which is the closest distance of the earth from the sun?

it is about 92 million miles from the earth to the sun at its closest distance.

What object is the closest to the earth?

the sun is the closest

What is the closest object to a earth?

the sun is the closest

Which third planet is closest to the sun?

Earth is the third closest planet to the sun.

What is called when earth is closest to the sun?

Perihelion is when the Earth is closest to the sun.

What is the point closest to the sun?

If you're referring to the orbit of the Earth around the Sun, the closest point is called the perihelion and it usually comes between the 2nd and 4th of January each year.

Which stars closest to earth Sun or Mars?

Mars is a planet. So the Sun is the closest star to Earth.