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Q: Is Eyjafjallajokull on an constructive plate margin?
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A constructive plate margin or spreading centre known as the Mid-Atlantic-Ridge.

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Niether. Kilauea is in the middle of the Pacific plate, thousands of miles from the nearest plate boundary. The volcanic activty is due to a hot spot.

Is Eyjafjallajokull on a constructive plate boundry?

Yes. It is believed to have erupted in 2010 twice because of the constructive margin. The plates were pulled apart by convection currents then because of this basalt lava seeps in to form a new crust beneath the sea and existing volcano. Much of the magma was intruded as dolerite dykes (thin sheets of igneous rock.) New lava and dykes then added extra crust at each side of the spreading ridge.

Is Eyjafjallajokull on a plate boundary?

Yes. Eyjafjallajokull is located in Iceland and is situated on or very near the Mid-Atlantic-Ridge which is a divergent plate boundary.

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a constructive margin

What caused Eyjafjallajokull volcano to errupt?

Eyjafjallajokull is on 2 plate boundaries, and these boundaries are moving apart, so plate movements have caused this Icelandic volcano to erupt increasingly.

What type of volcano is mountain Eyjafjallajokull?

It is a shield volcano, as it occurs on a divergent pllate boundary (constructive boundary)

What plate boundary is eyjafjallajokull on?

Eyjafjallajokull is located in Iceland on the Mid-Atlantic-Ridge which separates the North American and Eurasian plates.

What plate boundary did the volcano eyjafjallajokull occur on?

Transform Boundary

What type of plate margin does Japan have?

Japan sits on top of a destructive plate margin.