

Is F sharp minor a scary key?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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10y ago

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F-sharp minor isn't actually any "scarier" than any other minor key. Minor keys can make music sound sad, ominous, angry, uneasy, tense, or dark (etc); however, a piece of music that is written in a minor key, such as f-sharp minor, will not automatically sound frightening. The specific mood of a song depends on a number of factors, including:

  • Dissonance - especially when it is used extensively throughout the piece.
  • Tempo - faster tempos tend to elicit a more suspenseful mood; changes in tempo (especially when it is increased) can intensify this.
  • Instrumentation - certain instruments (and combinations of instruments) can contribute to a scary mood. Composers may take advantage of unusual instruments, such as the theremin and waterphone, and/or they might incorporate one of the most ominous-sounding instruments out there: the human voice.
  • Dynamics - especially contrasting sections of loud and quiet.
  • Articulation - for example: the use of tremolo, ponticello (playing near the bridge on a stringed instrument), col legno (using the back of the bow to play a stringed instrument), and flutter tongue (which is when wind instruments create a fluttering-type sound).
  • Pitch - specifically, sudden increases in pitch.
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Four key signatures have G sharp and E sharp in them: F sharp Major, D sharp minor, C sharp Major and A sharp minor.

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Firstly, there is no B minor chord in the key of F sharp minor. Rather, it is A sharp minor chord. And you can use any chord at the end of a chord progression. Why not!

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G (or E minor)

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Yes, it sure is.

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B Major and G sharp minor. The sharps are F, C, G, D, and A sharp, in that order.

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F# major, C# major, D# minor, and A# minor

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G Major or e minor. The sharp would be F sharp.

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The corresponding minor key to G Major is e minor. The key signature will be the same, one sharp: F#.

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There are five key signatures with G sharp, they are: A major/F♯ minor (3 sharps) E major/ C♯ minor (4 sharps) B major/G♯ minor (5 sharps) F♯ major/D♯ minor (6 sharps) C♯ major/A♯ minor (7 sharps)