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No... but it does sound funny. But Friday is a day people get together with their friends. Friday is still a weekday, it is not a weekend day. The only days in the weekend are Saturday and Sunday.

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Q: Is Friday friend day
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He met him on a Friday, after rescuing him from being held captive and gives him the name Friday for that reason.

What was the name of Robinson Crusoes friend?

His friend is Friday.

Why did Crusoe name his island companion Friday?

Crusoe named his island companion Friday because that was the day they first met. Crusoe saved Friday from being eaten by other locals on the island, and Friday became Crusoe's loyal servant and friend. The name Friday is a reference to the day of the week they met.

What is the day of the week on Friday?

On a Friday, it is Friday and it is the 6th day of the week.

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The day after Friday, is, of course, Saturday.

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slap day is on a Friday. any Friday. a Friday that is good....:) lol... but really, slap day is mostly on the second and/or third Friday in a month so there is ur answer!!

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mangai chinana Friend in Fijian is i-tokani or noqu tokani.

friday is not a fifth day friday is sixth day so the answer is june?


Why was Robinson curose's friend named Friday?

In Daniel Defoe's novel "Robinson Crusoe," Friday is the name given to the native man whom Crusoe rescues and befriends on the island. He is named Friday because that was the day of the week Crusoe saved him from his captors.

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Traditionally, Black Friday will always happen the day after Thanksgiving. This day is on a Friday. That's why it has the name of Black Friday.

When is Black Friday 2009?

Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving. In 2009, Black Friday falls on Friday, November 27.

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In 2020 Christmas will be on this date: Friday December 25, 2020