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The Gobi Desert is an Asian desert.

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Q: How is Gobi related to Asian deserts?
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What is the cold Asian desert?

Both the Gobi and the Taklamakan Deserts are cold winter deserts.

What is Asian's cold desert?

Both the Gobi and Taklamakan Deserts are cold deserts.

How is the gobi desert related to Asian deserts?

it relates to it because it is a desert but different because it is a litter colder than most

What are two of the major Asian deserts?

The Arabian Desert and the Gobi Desert are the largest deserts in Asia.

Which desert is spelled with four letters?

The Gobi and the Thar Deserts have 4 letters each.

What are the two deserts in the northwest of China?

Both the Gobi Desert and the Taklamakan Desert are major deserts in China.

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China has two major deserts - the Gobi and the Taklamakan.China has two major deserts - the Gobi and the Taklamakan.

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The Karakum is an Asian desert located in Turkmenistan.

What are the 6 deserts in Asia?

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The Gobi and the Taklamakan are the two largest deserts of what country?

The Gobi and the Taklamakan are the two largest deserts in China.

What two deserts are located in northern China?

The two main deserts in China are, the Gobi desert and the Taklamakan desert.

What does the Gobi have to do with the Asian desert?

The Gobi Desert is an Asian desert located in China and Mongolia.