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Yes and No. If you are trying to join the military with hiv you cant. However, if you contract it while on active duty, you are allowed to stay in as long as you dont develop AIDS.

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Q: Is HIV allowed in the military?
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Is HIV allowed in Scrabble?

No. Hiv is not allowed in Scrabble.

Do military members have HIV?

Probably some military members do have HIV infection.

Which military jobs require HIV testing?

every field of the military jobs require hiv testing.

What are chances of a woman getting HIV from a military man?

A woman is just as likely to get HIV from a military man as she is to get it from someone who is not in the armed forces.

Are Freemasons allowed in the military?

Freemasons are allowed in the military.

Are military men less likely to get HIV because they are tested all the time Or are most men in the military HIV free?

military or non military has no bearing on HIV. unprotected sexual exposure is what CAN lead to HIV.................'Straight' men and women are just as likely to contract HIV as bi-sexual or 'gay' men. In the U.S. around 30% of HIV infections are caused by female-to-male sexual contact. If you tested positive, you'll be ok. It's highly treatable, though not yet curable.

Can a person join the military with hiv?

Because HIV is contagious and deadly and affect the persons health and fitness.

How long does it takes to have hiv virus in the breast milk of infrcted mother?

Breastfeeding is not allowed if the mother has HIV. Aids has no cure,so strict no breastfeeding is allowed lifetime.

Is spice allowed for military in Iraq?

Spice is not allowed for the military at all.

Can you have HIV in the military?

This depends on the country that you live in, whether mandatory HIV testing is required to enlist, and whether a positive result is an exclusion to serving. In some countries this is no in other it is yes.

Is it allowed to have body piercings in the military?

No you are not allowed to have body piercings according to most military regulations. It obstructs the wear of the uniform.

Why are women allowed in the Military?

Because it would be sexist not to allow them in the military.