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There isn't an eighth book. Even if there was, Harry Potter isn't going to stop being a wizard.

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Q: Is Harry Potter still a wizard in the eighth book?
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Did Harry Potter die in the eighth book?

There isn't a eighth book and Harry Potter is still alive.

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Harry Potter is a fictional wizard. Merlin the Magician is a fictional wizard. I still enjoy watching "The Wizard of Oz".

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No she hasn't written any more Harry Potter books yet. She is still trying to decide whether or not to write another one.

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The adult Harry Potter was still played by Daniel Radcliffe.

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Harry Potter does survive book seven, he is still there at the end of it.

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Obviously you can still like Harry Potter. I guess that's what makes you a "fan".

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No. Professor Quirrell died in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.

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Yes. They get married.

Can you still buy tapes and CD's for the Harry Potter books?

You can still buy the Harry Potter audiobooks on CD from places like Amazon or the Pottermore store.

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It is "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. At the end of Harry Potter 7, he dies, so no.