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Yes, dreams in which you are killed or seeing yourself dead are relatively common.

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Q: Is Having a dream in which you are killed relatively common?
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Im dreaming having a baby?

One of the common dream by people who generally love kids is dreaming having their own baby.

Why are your friends having the same dream as you?

It is very unlikely that your friends are having the same dream as you have. It is possible that your group shares common interests - let's say football - and so you all dream about football. But each individual's dream would be different and have a meaning specific to that person. Perhaps a better question to ask might be why your friends are telling you that they have the same dream as you have. It is possible that your friends are having a joke at your expense.

What does it mean to dream of someone telling you that you will be killed in the future?

This dream seems to be a message from the dreamer's own awareness. In fact, every person will die sometime. So the message of the dream is quite true: the dreamer will, indeed, die some time in the future. Being told that one will be "killed" is probably exaggeration common in dreams. One could be "killed" by disease as well as by violence. This dream suggests that the dreamer is struggling to come to grips with the reality of mortality.

What does it mean when you keep having the same dream of getting killed but in every dream you see the same girl and you know her and your close friends in real life?

Dreams do not mean anything. They are random firings of neurons in the brain.

How do dreams affect the brain?

our mind is very complicated dream can go good or bad for example when you have a hot wet dream of having sex your body responds to it & you feel hot & you orgasim in reality . But if you are having a bad dream like you are falling from sky & hit the ground & get killed your brain goes in shock for a moment and it restart itself . It all depends how deep you are in sleep.

What was the American dream for the immgrants?

The American dream for immigrants is having a golden future and having a better life.

What does it mean when you dream about having a good time with your girlfriend?

Means she is the ONE ..... NOW is she having the same dream?

Is 'dream' a proper or common noun?


Is dream a common noun thing?


What does it mean when another person sees your double in a dream?

Every dream is about the person having the dream. So this dream of your double is about the person that dreamt that dream, not about you.

Why didn't candy do his dream in mice and men?

Because when George killed Lennie, their dream was crushed and Candy was essentially going to piggyback on their dream.

What does it mean if you have a dream with the guy that you have killed?

If the dreamer actually killed someone in real life, then dreams about that person, the dream suggests feelings of guilt and remorse. If the dreamer only dreams of killing someone, the dream suggests anger with that person.