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No it moves 1.5 inches towards Japan each year and yes it moves closer to Japan

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4 inches per year

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Q: Is Hawaii moving closer to japan by 10 cm a year?
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Is Hawaii moving 10cm closer to Japan every year?

1,000 ft.

How many years will it take for Hawaii to move next to japan?

"apprx. five billion years" Is not even close. There are 63,360 inches in a mile. If Hawaii is moving 4 inches per year closer to Japan it would take 15,840 years for Hawaii to travel one mile. Japan is approximately 4,000 miles from Hawaii depending on what points you are measuring from and whether you ar talking natuical miles. The best approximation would be 63,360,000 years for Hawaii to reach Japan (This is asuming that Japan is not shifting either closer to or farther from Hawaii).

What year will Hawaii reach Japan?

It has varied over the past. Present day it is moving roughly 7 centimeters a year.

How many inches closer does Hawaii move closer to Alaska each year?

Hawaii moves about 3 inches closer to Alaska each year

Hawaii physical features?

It is a string of islands known as an archipelago formed by volcanoes. The state gets 4 inches closer to Japan every year.

How many miles to Honolulu from Tokyo?

3,862 miles or 62i6 kilometers. you probly arent wondering, but i heard that Hawaii and Japan grow 2 inches closer every year

How does New Year's Eve in Hawaii compare to New Year's Eve in Japan?

they look the same

Is the moon moving closer to the Earth or farther away?

The moon is moving further away by 1.5cm from the Earth every year.

What year did Japan attack US?

December 7, 1941 at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

Why doesn't Hawaii have a seasonal change year to year?

Oh, it does- perhaps not the change you were thinking of. Being as far South as it is, placing it closer to the equator, Hawaii does not experience the major tilt change of the continental states, and so does not have a hot/cold season, but they DO have a wet/dry season change.

How has the earth changed over millions of years?

The world's tectonic plates are ever changing moving by centermetres every year. This moves and changes continents of land moving them away or closer to each other.

In what year was Hawaii purchased?

Hawaii was never purchased.