

Is Instagram only for phones

Updated: 12/20/2022
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Q: Is Instagram only for phones
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Can you get Instagram on straight talk phones?

No, instagram is only for Android's and iPhone's.

How do you post on instagram from your MacBook Pro?

The only way to upload pictures to instagram is from the app on phones and tablets.

What Verizon smart phones have Instagram as an app?

not alot...i knoesome pantechshave them, iphonesandroids

Does Instagram work on any phones?

No they work on alot of phones. Usally touch screen but some touch screen don't have it. So no they don't work on any phones

Can you get instagram on your blackberry z10?

I just installed the official Instagram app to my Z10. Since the new update, you can install Google Play apps to your blackberry phones now.

How do people draw pictures on their phones like waturcolor on instagram?

There is an app called Quick Memo on Android phones that will let you draw pics and save them to your gallery.

What android phones have Instagram?

almost every android phone can run instagram, i don't think is based on the phone but on the version of android in it .You just need to download from the market and install.

Can you only sign up for Instagram on your phone?

You can sign up for instagram only through instagram mobile application. And through website only login and edit account profile is possible.

Is there Instagram for android?

Hi. Of course there is. You can use it on any device, even a PC. It is a very popular social network. Now there are even a lot of services for its promotion. For example, you can buy Instagram followers on the website Lowcostsmm. The site can be found by entering the domain into any search engine, such as Google or Bing.

How do you make text post for Instagram?

You can't. Instagram is only for posting photos or videos.

Can you chat with people on Instagram?

Instagram is only a photo sharing application. You can just post, share, like and comment on a photo of a instagram user. There is no chat feature in instagram so not possible.

Is there any way to get Instagram on a blackberry?

No because instagram is only allowed on android and apple products.