

Is Iraq an Arabic country

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Is Iraq an Arabic country
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What Iraq languish?

Arabic because all country around Iraq is arabic and i from Iraq

Does Iraq consist mostly of Arabs?

Yes , since it is an Arabic country.

What is Arabic languages country?

Egypt Iraq Syria Libya Tunisia and more

How do you say Iraq in Iraq?

Iraq is not a language. Iraqis speak Arabic and the name for Iraq in Arabic is Al-Iraq which is pronounced Al-ee-raw-k.

How do you say fire in Iraq?

Well Iraq's official language is Arabic. Fire in Arabic isالنار and pronounced An-Nar.

What is the official of Iraq?

Arabic and Kurdish are the official languages of Iraq.

What is the official launguauge of Iraq?

Arabic and Kurdish are the official languages of Iraq.

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Is Persian spoken in Iraq?

Persian is not widely spoken in Iraq. The official language of Iraq is Arabic, and the majority of the population speaks Arabic. While there might be some individuals in Iraq who speak Persian due to personal background or connections, it is not a common language in the country.

How do you spell jidi in Arabic?

infidel = kaafir or mushrik unbeliever = mukaddhib atheist = mulhid

What is Iraq tradtions?

To play the arabic guitar.

Which country's oil tankers flew the US flag as protection during Iran-Iraq war?

Kuwait. Saudi. United Arabic Emirates.