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yes she's happy and healthy

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Q: Is Jane Goodall alive in September 2009?
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Are you telling the truth about Jane Goodall?

If you are referring to your earlier question as to whether Jane Goodall is alive or not, yes, she is still alive as of July 2009. See the Related link below.

Is Jane Goodall alive?


What was Jane Goodall date of death?

Currently, in 2011 Jane Goodall is 77. She was born in London in 1934. And, no, she is not dead. Jane Goodall is still very alive.

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Is Jane Withers still alive?

Jane Goodall is still alive she is 75 years old

How did Jane Goodall die from her chimpanzee?

Jane Goodall is still alive. 76 years old, I think.

Is Jane Goodall still alive?

Jane Goodall is still alive today that is good she is 77 years old this year they are probaly having a big party for Jane Goodall

When did Jane Goodall dye?

she is presently still alive and 77

What was Jane Goodall's birth kid's name?

on September 19

Is Jane Goodall still a life?

yes she is still alive by asaad

How old was Jane Goodall when she was murdered?

She was not murdered. She is in fact still alive :)

What is Jane Goodall's email?

Do you really think the internet is going to say that information.It's like so personal. And did you know Jane Goodall is still alive today2010.