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Q: Is Japan continental continental oceanic oceanic or continental oceanic?
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What Type of Plate Boundary Is Creating MT Fuji?

Mt. Fuji is located in Japan. It is near a continental convergent boundary, a continental transform boundary, and an oceanic transform boundary.

What 3 types of convergent boundaries exist?

Oceanic-Continental, Oceanic-Oceanic, and Continental-Continental.

What is happening to the earth's plates at the japan trench?

The pacific oceanic plate is sinking beneath the continental plate to which Japan is attached in what is called a subduction zone. The oceanic plate is being destroyed.

What boundary is a syncline in?

Syncline folds are found in Convergent boundaries. (Oceanic - Oceanic, Continental-Continental, Oceanic-Continental)

What are the three sub-types of convergent plate boundaries?

if i thing if gago abno yudipota ka

Is the Pacific plate and oceanic plate or continental plate?

It is oceanic

Convergence can occur between what types of plates?

1. oceanic-continental 2. oceanic-oceanic 3. continental-continental

Compare and contrast the three plate boundaries?

Oceanic-continental convergence (when an oceanic plate meets a continental plate) & oceanic-oceanic convergence (2 oceanic plates) both involve oceanic plates & subduction. Continental-continental convergence (2 continental plates) involves neither.

Examples of where the three types of plate movements occur?

Continental- continental collisions, Continental-oceanic collisions,and Oceanic-oceanic collisions

What is continental - oceanic?

Its when the oceanic crust and the continental crsut colide together.

What are the possible combinations of plate collisions at convergent boundaries?

The three possible combinations would be continental-continental, continental-oceanic, and oceanic-oceanic.

What are the three different setting of convergent boundaries?

The three types of convergent plate boundaries are Oceanic-Oceanic, Continental-Continental, Continental-Oceanic.