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Jeffrey would be a lovely name for a male guinea pig, though you could call a female Jeffrey if you really wanted to.

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Q: Is Jeffrey a weird name for a guinea pig?
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What is the common name for a guinea pig?

A Guinea Pig..

Can a bunny and a guinea pig have love?

Yes,it doesn't the one time ,I heard a rabbit loves a guinea pig .the bunny's name is BABY ,and this women Lauren Rhodes,had tried introducing her to another bunny."but No",the bunny loved the guinea pig......the guinea pig was named Timmy Pigga and made yeah weird but funny

What is better a guinea pig or a rat?

A guinea pig, definitely. It might seem weird but they are very sweet and affectionate and if you get the right bedding, they don't smell!

What is the spices name of a pig?

Guinea Pig

What does it mean if youre guinea pig wont let you pick them up?

Your weird

What is the name of male guinea pig?

I think a male guinea pig is called a boar. You can message me for any other guinea pig questions!!

What is the name of a male guinea pig called?

A male guinea pig is referred to as a Boar.

What is the name of a pig-like mammal?

Its a guinea pig!

Is Sammy a good guinea pig name?

i think that's a lovely name. if you like it, then you can name your guinea pig whatever you want.

Why does a guinea pig make weird sounds?

whats your opinion? i think he is hungry or upset :(

How did guinea pig's get their name?

They got their name because when first discovered by Europeans guinea pig's made a high screeching sound like a pig.

What is the name of the guinea pig with a Mohawk on gforce?

I have the same type of Guinea Pig. She too has a Mohawk. There are called Abyssinian Guinea Pigs.