

Is Judas worse than Hitler

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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There would be different opinions on this but Hitler did kill a whole lot more people than Judas did so that makes him much worse.

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Q: Is Judas worse than Hitler
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Who was worse than Hitler?

worse at what? He was bad as a dictator, as he did not dictate. He was bad as an artist, at least according to his critics. He was bad as a husband. I do not know how well he played baseball, so i could not comment as to who was worse than him.

How did Hitler make Germany a better place?

He didn't make Germany a better place he made it a much worse place than it was, post-Hitler Germany was in ruins.

Would the world better or worse if Adolf Hitler hadn't lived?

It would be better.

Who is worse Hitler or Bin-Laden?

Hitler was far worse then Bin-Laden due to a simple fact - because of Hitler, over 52 million people died in WWII. He intended on world domination where Bin-Laden simply wants revenge over US soldiers on Saudi soil in the first Gulf War. It also depends on your opinion. Adolf Hitler caused many more deaths and discriminated against Jews whereas Osama Bin Laden gave away plans of the world trade centre to a group of terrorists which he has now joined. Other than that, Bin Laden hasn't directly caused any deaths but there are many indirect ways in which we suspect he has helped along terrorist attacks. Personally I believe Hitler is worse

Who is Hitler worse than Stalin?

Note: A lot of opinions. Some are below. It depends on how you define evil.Stalin:I would say Stalin as he was pure evil. Hitler was evil do not get me wrong, but Stalin hated everyone. Hitler had problems with the Jews and a few others, but Stalin persecuted his own people and others. There are more statistics on Hitler than Stalin. That is why more people might say Hitler for they do not know much about Stalin. Hitler is a household name, Stalin is usually not.Hitler:I would actually say Hitler was the more evil of the two. Like the poster above said, Stalin hated everyone, but Hitler targeted, isolated, and slaughtered one group of people. At least Stalin didn't discriminate.Hitler:Hitler plunged Europe into war as well as committing appalling atrocities. (Stalin did not unleash a major war). Hitler has become the #1 20th century icon (or symbol) of evil.Stalin:Although Stalin didn't cause a war he still sided with Hitler in the war. On top of that Stalin killed everyone even in his own army he had groups that where called blocks behind his soilders. They were ordered to shoot any troop giving up ground no matter what. Plus Stalin did start a war by him self the cold war!!!Hitler:There is all this talk about Stalin killed off his own fellow Russians - In actual fact he was betrayed by a fair number of his own fellow men who worked secretly for Hitler. When Stalin found this out, brutally and literally, lined those who betrayed them and had them shot. Everything he did was for a reason and people are too quick to jump to conclusions without fact. In all honesty, he can be seen as one of the greatest leaders of our time who took an undeveloped country and turned it into the greatest industrial country with one of the most powerful military forces to this very day.Stalin:Both Stalin and Hitler are both considered some of the worst leaders. Both instituted totalitarian governments and they both killed lots of people. Stalin would kill people, and then expunge them from all records, like in pictures. Hitler, at the end of the war, gassed millions of people. However, Stalin's communist policy also led to major shortages in food and caused tens of millions of people to starve to death. So, between Hitler and Stalin - they were both terrible leaders, I would have to say Stalin. Yes, Hitler was bad, but Stalin was worse! Wrap up:One can debate motive and intentions all day, but if murder is the greatest evil, then when the debate is said and done, Hitler is usually ascribed with about 15 million murders and Stalin with tens and tens of millions of murders.

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Saying it's worse than terrible and say its like Hitler

Who was worse than Hitler?

worse at what? He was bad as a dictator, as he did not dictate. He was bad as an artist, at least according to his critics. He was bad as a husband. I do not know how well he played baseball, so i could not comment as to who was worse than him.

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Actually he did, in his youth. He contracted some kind of disease and this haunted him for life.

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He didn't make Germany a better place he made it a much worse place than it was, post-Hitler Germany was in ruins.

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Yes, and he sent millions to concentration camps and termination camps which were worse than prisons.

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NEVER ! Human life is ALWAYS more valuable than animal life, and I love my animals very much.

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vader Hitler. If not, Western society is in worse trouble than I thought.

Who were really horrible dictators prior to Adolf Hitler?

Certainly if you look at the number of people he caused to die, Josef Stalin of the USSR was even worse than Hitler. Another dictator who rose to power before Hitler was Mussolini, but he was more horribly inept at waging war than horrible in the sense of terrorizing his people.

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Was Judas who betrayed Jesus a priest?

NO, he was a sort of undercover informant seeking information on Christ to turn over to the Sanhedrin or Romans. XCharged little for his tasks- $3.00 for the whole job- Thirty pieces of silver- shall we say Roman lilke- Mercury dimes- the number Three coupled with dollars has another connotation-which may be true.TheRock Group Judas Priest is a sickening handle. the phrase is a euphemism for blasphemy, but like a Derail device it may be worse than the original flaw! Judas was a bad man. it would almost be like saying ( Saint Adolf HItler!_ or Holy Joe Stalin! Bad Bloke.