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Jupiter has always been thought of as being completely gaseous. More recent tests suggest that Jupiter might have a small rocky core.

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Q: Is Jupiter all gas or half gas and half solid?
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Is Jupiter solid or gas?

No, Jupiter is a gas giant planet and may have no solid surface at all.

Is Jupiter's surface a gas solid or liquid?

Jupiter is gas.

Is there no surface on Jupiter?

nope, no solid surface, all gas.

Is Jupiter a solid or gas?

Jupiter is a big Gas planet Hope this heps! ;)

Is the planet Jupiter solid or gas?


Why isn't Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune not solid?

Beacause they are all made out of GAS-which isn't solid.

Are there oceans on Jupiter?

No, Jupiter is a gas planet it has no solid surface

Does Hydrogen exists as gas liquid and solid within Jupiter?

yes, hydrogen can be found as a solid liquid and a gas within Jupiter

Does hydrogen exist as a gas a liquid and a solid with Jupiter?

Probably there is some hydrogen in all of these states deep in Jupiter's atmosphere.

Is Jupiter made up of solid liquid or gas?

It is mostly gas, but it has a solid core.

Is there any evidence of volcanoes on Jupiter?

No. Jupiter is a gas planet. It has no solid surface.

Jupiter land or dirt?

Neither. Jupiter is a gas planet. There is no solid surface.