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Q: Is Jupiter atmosphere thicker or thinner then earth?
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Is Venus atmosphere thicker or thinner than earth's?

Venus' atmosphere is much thicker than Earth's

Is the moon's crust thinner or thicker than Earth's?


Is there air as we know it beyond the earth's atmosphere?

The Earth's atmosphere gets thinner and thinner as we go away from the earth. It becomes negligible at a point in space. Beyond that, there is no atmosphere, only vaccum.

What if the earth has a thicker atmosphere?

makes the earth warmer.

How thick is Uranus atmosphere?

thicker than earth's atmosphere.

How is Jupiter's atmosphere different than Earth's atmosphere?

Jupiter's atmosphere is bigger than the Earth's and is mainly hydrogen plus quite a bit of helium.

Why is air thin on earth?

Planets generally retain an amount of atmosphere that their gravitation field can hold, against the tendency of a gas to leak away into outer space. Thus, the atmosphere of the Earth is denser than that of Mars, but thinner than that of Jupiter.

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How are the compositions of the inner planet's atmospheres alike?

Mercury doesn't have an atmosphere of any significance. Earth's atmosphere is nothing like the others. That leaves Mars and Venus. They do have similar atmospheres because they both have about 95% carbon dioxide. However the atmosphere of Mars is much thinner than Earth's whereas Venus has a much thicker atmosphere than Earth's.

Is earth's continental crust thicker or thinner than the oceanic crust?

On average, it is much thicker than oceanic crust.

Is the Moon's crust thinner or thicker than earth?

The earths crust us thicker than the moons....due to the craters

Which planet hAs the thinnest atmosphere of mostly made of carbon dioxide?

Mars, Venus's atmosphere is thicker than Earth's. Much thicker.