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it depends on what you mean by 'good'

if you are talking about growing it then it is good for the amount of THC in the buds.

it also has a high yield per metre squared (up to 550g)

plus the plant is only a 9 week grow indoors (leaving it for 12 weeks will allow the buds to fully mature)

if you are just wanting to know because you are interested in buying some k2 bud, then it would be well worth purchasing as it is some very potent cannabis.

hope this as helped

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Q: Is K2 a decent strain of weed?
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What is better k2 or weed?

Weed. K2 is barely researched and could have serious health effects.

Who was the first to ski K2?

As of today, nobody has completed a decent of k2

Can you smoke k2 on probation and not get in trouble?

Yes, you can because K2 is synthetic weed, which makes no THC show up in your system.

What is the name of the strain of weed Conrad grew for Nancy?

MILF weed

How can you tell the difference between marijuana and k2?

the smell. k2 will not smell like weed it'll smell kinda fruity. or at least it does to me

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heartburn.angel dustYes

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Does k2 clean your body after smoking weed?

from expericence i can surely tell you no it doesnt

What are the long term effects of the drug k2?

thoughts of suicide, tripping worse then you would with weed. Colors start to blend together, things turn black and white and your resting heart rate rushes 90+ bps. I would not recommend this, weed is safer the k2, but weed is not legal.

What strain of weed makes you hallucinate?

angel dust

Can fake weed k2 make you mental?

No but it can kill you if you do too much or for too long