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yes. everyone recieves the same generic mini reading and then she goes on to tell you how special or rare your case is so she'll give you free books. DONT PAY FOR IT!

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Q: Is Katherine at Astrology Answers a scam?
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Is answers a scam?

A scam is when one party takes someone from someone else, often illegally. Answers dot com only gives answers. Therefore, no, it is not a scam.

What is your opinion on KGB team?

NO! Kgb_ is not a scam! Chacha, with their pathetic answers (I know why that stuff's free) is the scam! Kgb_ has amazing answers!

Is Michelle Devon genuine or just a scam?

That depends on if you believe in astrology or not; many online astrology sites make false or difficult to prove claims, and then charge you money for them. Michelle may have her fans, but she has also been accused of being a scammer by some websites that monitor frauds; so even if you believe in astrology, it may not be worth your money or your time to proceed with her site.

Why study astrology?

People have various reasons for studying astrology. Some may do it because they are interested in finding a deeper meaning in mundane circumstances or gaining grater insight into themselves and others. Others do for amusement. Some do it for profit. And of course there are always those that use it to scam others.

Is astrology compatibility important for couples?

Proof of scientific connection in Astrology is a much debated topic. No real answers have been found to support or dismiss astrology. I think personality and compatibility are a much bigger issue in a dating relationship.

How long does it take water to heat up to 100 degrees?

Two years 11/2 months and 3 days and 41/2 hours approximately.It has to do with how many thousands of gallons are in the tank , how many are being drawn out and what the BTU input is of the fuel being used100 litres at 60 degrees Celsius = 1 hour (2kw element)150 litres at 60 degrees Celsius = 1.5 hours (3kw element)200 litres at 60 degrees Celsius = 2 hours (4kw element)250 litres at 60 degrees Celsius = 2.5 hours (4kw element)provided all are using 220 volts of domestic electricity

Is the International Astrology foundation legitimate?

NO. This is a scam and the sorry thing is some people will send money. I blame our Government for allowing this to happen. Jobs are so scarce that people will do anything to make a buck.

Is a good site for people interested in astrology?

It is always recommended to approach astrology with caution, as interpretations can vary widely. is a popular astrology website, but opinions on its accuracy and reliability can differ. It's advisable to use multiple sources and exercise discernment when seeking astrological guidance.

Is there a patron saint of astrology?

There is no patron saint of astrology.

Why did elizabeth blackwell adopt Katherine berry?

sounds like a homework question, are you sure people will give you the right answers?

How do astrologists get their answers when they look through the telescope?

Scientists who look through telescopes are known as Astronomers (Astronomy). Astrologers are those who deal with the divination art of Astrology.

What is the best astrology school?

The Avalon School of Astrology