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This is a matter of opinion. Depending on one's views as to the storyline, a person might believe that he is, or that he is not. I personally do not believe so, because I am not of the mindset that death is caused by anyone, save in the case of direct murder.

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Neil's parents (mostly his dad) because he did not want to go to military school and have a bad life.

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Q: Is Keating to blame for Neil's death in Dead Poets Society?
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The four pillars repeated in Dead Poets Society are tradition, honor, discipline, excellence. Cameron says he told "the truth" about Mr. Keating to the school officials because there is a code of honor and when someone asks you a question, then you tell the truth, or you're expelled. The actual truth is that Mr. Keating had nothing to do with Neil's death. If Cameron was truly following a code of honor, he would have stood up to school officials and defended Mr. Keating. Instead, he lay blame on Mr. Keating to save himself from expulsion.

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