

Is Led Zeppelin famous

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Is Led Zeppelin famous
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When did led zeppelin become famous?


What is led zeppelin most famous for?

the band music

Who is more famous Led Zeppelin or Lady Gaga?

Led Zeppelin are more famous than Lady Gaga; Zeppelin are rock music legends, whereas Lady Gaga is a current pop star.

What band did Robert Plant sing for before Led Zeppelin?

Answer The band that Robert Plant sang for was Led Zeppelin

What were Led Zeppelin's first four albums called?

Led Zeppelin I Led Zeppelin II Led Zeppelin III Led Zeppelin IV

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Most famous rock?

The Beatles,Led Zeppelin and AC/DC.

What was Led Zeppelin's first CD?

Led Zeppelin's first CD was Led Zeppelin, sometimes known as Led Zeppelin I. It was released in 1969.

What is led zepplins most famous song?

I would assume that Stairway To Heaven is Led Zeppelin,s most famous song.

How is jimmy page famous?

He was the lead guitarist, and founder, of the band Led Zeppelin.

Is Led Zeppelin overrated?

Led Zeppelin is not overrated

What album is friends on by led zeppelin?

Friends - Led Zeppelin song - was created in 1970.