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No, of course not! It's a site for finding taxi's in the south carolina district.

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Q: Is MSN a social network site?
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Who creator of MSN?

decide what you exactly want to know ? msn site is owned by cynosure private limited , it is a social network which is working from last several years , if you are asking about msn dot com particulary then some one can say that Microsoft, MSN stands for Microsoft Networks. Microsoft owns (Well basicly is) jMSN which is the top branch for MSNBC, Hotmail, and Windows Live. but i must tell you again that term : msn site only reflect which is a social network

What is a good social network for 12 year olds?

msn (messanger)

Is MSN a social media site?

MSN is a good site. It provides news, search engine, email, social media and more from one site. Owned by Microsoft and often used as homepage.

What is a socail network?

A social network is a chat room such as facebook, twitter, bebo, msn etc...It can also be dating sites.

Is Facebook is social site?

Yes Facebook is a social network.

Is Google a social networking site?

Google+ is Google's social networking site.

What type of site is

It is a social network and human finding web site

What is msn short for?

MSN is short for Micro Soft Network.

Who created msn?

AnswerContrary to what some people believe, Bill Gates does not invent everything Microsoft does.MSN (or The Microsoft Network) is a collection of Internet services provided by Microsoft. It was initially released on August 24, 1995, to coincide with the release of Windows 95by Harlee Howarth age 12MSN (The Microsoft Network) is a collection of Internet services provided by Microsoft, the owner of MSN.The concept for MSN was created by the Advanced Technology Group at Microsoft, headed by Nathan Myhrvold, in response to the increasing relevancy and growth of the Internet.

Why is MSN called MSN?

its called it cause it stands for MicroSoft Network

Can public people be on Twitter?

Yes, the site Twitter is a social network

Who created the social network website facebook?

Although there is controversy (highlighted in the recent movie, "The Social Network") related to the social networking site, Mark Zuckerberg is credited with the creation.