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Q: Is Madison for faction or against it?
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What does faction mean according to Madison?

He refers to 'faction' as a political group of people.

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Who thinks A large republic is less likely to have an all powerful faction?


What was one of the problems James Madison says faction presents?

the war of 1812

Who thinks A large republic is less likely to have an all-powerful faction?


Who wrote liberty is to faction as air is to fire?

James Madison in The Federalist No. 10

Why did Madison believe that Spirit and faction have a positive impact on the government?

James Madison believed in the power of rhetoric and logic, believing all positions could be addressed and debated in cases of spirit and faction. This was especially beneficial if one group felt they were being discriminated against by another group, or having their needs denied for the benefit of the whole, argument was needed to resolve these conflicts.

How does Madison define liberty is to faction what air is to fire?

Liberty is to faction what air is to fire. James Madison says this in Federalist #10. It pretty much means like if you were to remove liberty would be to remove the air, which is essential to life.

Why do Hamilton distrust Madison Jefferson and their faction and feel that they were dangerous to Americas government?

Hamilton distrust Madison and Jefferson because they were supporting France and were against Great Britain.They were hostile to him.Hamilton said that the views of Madison and Jefferson are unsound and dangerous.

What does the word faction mean according to James Madison?

Madison defines a faction as "a number of citizens, whether amounting to a minority or majority of the whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adverse to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community".

How did James Madison address fears that any faction might be able to control the the government?

IN the newspaper "the federalist" he wrote that no faction would be able to control the government because the USA is too big