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Q: Is Mardi Gras the beginning of Lent?
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In which state is the world-famous Mardi Gras festival held each year?

Mardi Gras is held in New Orleans, Louisiana. It is a festival that is held to signal the beginning of lent.

When does mardi GRAS take?

Mardi Gras always takes place the day b4 lent :)

Why celebrate mardi gras?

most countries celebrate mardi gras because it is shrove Tuesday which is were you eat before lent

What is Mardi Gras?

Mardi Gras or Shrove Tuesday 'Mardi Gras' means 'Fat Tuesday' in French. It is also called 'Pancake Tuesday' or ' Shrove Tuesday. It is the day before Ash Wednesday the beginning of Lent. On this Tuesday people celebrate and eat a lot of food because during Lent they don't eat as much. Mardi Gras was started in New Orleans, Louisiana. Mardi Gras is also the last day of the three-day Carnival festival. New Orleans is the most famous city to hold elaborate Mardi Gras celebrations, but a lot of other cities and towns celebrate Mardi Gras. Basically it is NOT just a reason to party, but the premise is to indulge in things that you are going to give up for Lent. And don't forget your beads.

Why does mardi gras happen on a Tuesday?

Mardi Gras does not always start on Tuesday, but ends on Tuesday...hence Mardi Gras (this is French Mardi=Tuesday, Gras=Fat...Fat Tuesday). It is the last day before Ash Wednesday which starts the fasting associated with Lent.

When is french mardis gras?

Mardi Gras anywhere is always the day before lent starts!

What is a mardi gras follower?

This question may not refer to a person but rather to something that follows Mardi Gras. If that is the case, possible answers might include Lent or Ash Wednesday.

What holiday is the last day of the carnival before the lent?

Mardi Gras

What day is Mardi Gras always celebrated on?

tuesady before Lent

Is mardi gras everywhere?

Mardi Gras is French for "Fat Tuesday". It is the day before Lent starts. So yes, Tuesday happens everywhere.

What is Mardi Gras celebrating?

Only a minority of gay people celebrate Mardi Gras. Most do not.

Why do you have Mardi Gras?

Mardi Gras, also known as Fat Tuesday, is a day of celebration before the season of Lent begins the next day, Ash Wednesday.