

Is Mass in density the same thing?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: Is Mass in density the same thing?
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Does density of an object depend on the gravity of the object?

Density is not affected by gravity. Density is affected by mass and volume, such that density = mass/volume. Weight, but not mass, is affected by gravity. Weight and mass are not the same thing.

When mass decreases what does volume do?

Assuming you are talking about the same thing, this can be shown through the density equation: Mass = Density by volume. Assuming density stays the same, if mass decreases, volume should proportionally decrease

If 2 things have the same density sre they the same thing?

Not necessarily. Density is mass divided by volume. Many different things could have the same density.

Are specific gravity and density the same thing?

They aren't the same thing, but they can give you the same information. Specific gravity is a substance's mass density divided by the mass density of water. Specific gravity is a sort of normalized mass density. Materials with S.G. higher than one will sink in water. S.G. lower than one will float.

How can a small object be densest if it doesn't have the most mass?

Density is not the same as mass. Density is mass divided by volume.Density is not the same as mass. Density is mass divided by volume.Density is not the same as mass. Density is mass divided by volume.Density is not the same as mass. Density is mass divided by volume.

How is density not mass or weight?

Density is defined as the mass of something divided by the volume of the same thing. During a careful reading of the definition, it becomes apparent that density is not mass, and that density is also similarly not weight as well, either.

What is a density of mass?

There is no such thing. There is the density if any object which has both mass and volume. Density is found by dividing mass by voleum.

How do you calculate the density of a substance?

Density is the mass of a substance divided by the volume of that same mass of substance.

How does mass affect density if the volumes are the same?

If the mass increases, the density decreases. If the mass decreases, the density decreases.

Why do two samples with the same substance with the same volume HAVE to have the same mass?

Because they are of the same substance they have the same density density = mass/volume

How does mass affect an object density?

Mass divided by volume equals density. For the same volume, if the mass is more then the density is higher.