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Q: Is Master Splinter ever called Sensei Splinter?
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Where can you find sensei on Club Penguin?

Well, almost EVERONE knows where sensei is. You can find him in the dojo! Or he rarely EVER comes to where he could be a penguin. AND he givs you gifts! But he is only in the NINGA dojo! Hope it helped! ~ Felicity

How do you call someone your Sensei?

Sensei is always in the Diego! This may not be correct but I think that's on the corner of the club penguin map! If you click on Sensei you can play a game of card jitsu and earn belts to become a ninjer or are you up for the challenge and try and beat sensei at his own game? And remember folks, NEVER WAKE A SLEEPING SENSEI!

What is better splinter cell Pandora tomorrow or splinter cell ghost recon?

Splinter Cell is a very good game. I would go with either Splinter Cell or Splinter Cell Chaos Theory. Pandora Tomorrow and Double Agent are good games, but Montreal does a better job, usually. Ghost Recon is a war game that is very good. I've enjoyed a lot of those games as well. I would also recommend Rainbow Six ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Splintercell is the best game ever, i like all of them. But there is no "Splintercell: Ghost Recon"

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Does anybody have a unused cardjitsu code for club penguin cause you cant defeat sensei with my normal cards?

I have but i hardly ever login anymore...

In martial arts why do you call someone master?

Calling someone "Master" is a common in Martial Arts. It's more a sign of respect than of subservients. However, it is debatable by some. Many martial arts instructors prefer a translation equivalent to "Teacher" in the respective language, such as "Sensei" in Japanese, "Sifu" in Chinese, "Sabeomnim" in Korean and so on. The belief is one truly never masters the martial arts as it is an ever learning experience.

Does master chief ever get married?

No he DID NOT get married! He is a cyborg!

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i have no idea, what so ever!

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I was the first person who ever died :D

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He does on Halo 4